
In case you hadn’t noticed, we’re into summer programming around here—photos, food, video links, etc. But since we’re well on our way to that eight-billion-channels-all-the-time world the Internet keeps teasing us with, I at long last did an update on the increasingly unwieldy blogroll over there. Some were long-overdue lacunae (ANABlog, The Standing Room, etc.), while some are relative newcomers: countercritic covers the coverage, with sassy prose and the proper space devoted to dance, the red-headed stepchild of the fine arts (I’m half-afraid and half-eager for him to start reading the Globe); The Omniscient Mussel is but four posts old at this writing, but between one and fifty million cricket-loving Donald Tovey fans can’t be wrong; and Ear Trumpet is the new electronic outpost of Boston critic Richard Buell, who has also taken over the Globe‘s radio listings, turning them into a mouth-watering smorgasbord of Web-streamed delicacies.

Opera is still vastly underrepresented; until the day I expiate that sin, the blogroll over at Sieglinde’s Diaries will keep you plugged in. And The Rambler’s link page is still one of the universe’s great procrastination aids.

Anyway, I swear there’s substantial stuff in the works. I promise within the next two weeks I’ll be tackling economics again—that’s always good for a laugh.


  1. counter: Actually, I like “StD.” It’s kind of like a bratty nose-thumbing teenage punk nickname. For this former wannabe punk, better late than never….

  2. Still setting up furniture and like over here at OM headquarters but Miss Mussel is looking forward to entertain visitors whenever they should appear. A more complete program should be up and running within the month. Thanks.

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