Drede ye nought, sayd the aungell bryght

Guerrieri: Be We Mery in This Feste (PDF, 163 Kb; not terribly subtle MIDI here)

Here’s a nice, crunchy, part-of-this-balanced-breakfast Christmas carol that I’ll toss into the season’s general musical maelstrom. Merry Christmas, every one! This will probably end up being this year’s Christmas Eve choral introit—sometimes you just want something in-your-face to shake everyone out of their cookie-induced torpor. Can I augment that harmony? Sure! Can I throw on all the mixture stops? It’s Christmas, isn’t it? Why do Tudor sources add so many extra letters to otherwise normal English words? Hey, it’s the thought that counts.

If the macaronic inclusion of ecclesiastical Latin is too sober for your holiday, you can always set the Wayback Machine to last year’s wassails. And it’s as good a time as any to remind everyone that charity-supporting t-shirts are a great way to distract your friends and loved ones from the coming financial apocalypse. (Buy eight for Hanukkah!)

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