Periodic groups

Reviewing the BEMF Chamber Ensemble and Les Esprits Inséparables.
Boston Globe, June 13, 2009.

I also spent Thursday afternoon at a BEMF Fringe Concert by Newport Baroque, directed by Paul Cienniwa, who was in the same Cub Scout troop as me. No kidding! An elegant visit with sonatas by Handel, Leclair, and Marcello, with recorder player Héloïse Degrugillier and Paul’s wife Audrey on cello. (Go buy their new CD.)


  1. Dubnium, after the city of Dubna, home of the Russian Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, co-discoverers of element 105. The naming is the result of a 1997 compromise brokered among American and Russian researchers, brokered by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.

    One of the proposed names for element 105 was joliotium, after Fréderic Joliot-Curie, which I think is cooler, personally.

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