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Reviewing Lynn Chang, Wu Man, and A Far Cry.
Boston Globe, September 28, 2009. (Yes, I forgot when it was going to run.)

Fun item that didn’t fit #1: Lynn Chang announced that the concert was originally supposed to be called “East Meets West Meets East,” to which, he admitted, Wu Man said “no way.”

Fun item that didn’t fit #2: While I couldn’t find any confirmation of it on deadline, I’m assuming that when Lou Harrison titled the slow movement of his pipa concerto “Threnody for Richard Locke,” he was referring to Richard Locke the gay activist and porn actor, who died the year before the concerto’s premiere. (L.A. Tool & Die has to be one of the best porn titles ever.)


  1. It's also one of the most deliriously iconic gay porn movies ever made, even though I'm not much of an afficionado of the genre (would rather do it than watch it, so to speak). Richard Locke spent a few of his last years in San Francisco, and whenever I'd pass by him on the sidewalk, I'd always think “wow, the icon walketh.”

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