It’s like 1993, and it’s weird as hell to me

I spent a good portion of last week at the Rethink Music conference in Boston, and my oft-oblique impressions are now up at NewMusicBox:
Courts and Conquerors: Thinking and Rethinking the Rethink Music Conference.

One important presentation that didn’t make it into the article was Jean Cook and Kristin Thomson’s overview of the Future of Music Coalition’s Artist Revenue Streams research project, an ambitious survey- and interview-based test of all those hypotheses about the positive effects of the Internet on musicians’ careers that everybody assumes but, it turns out, no one has ever actually looked into. They’re on the prowl for data; if you’re a musician of any genre interested in telling them something about your household income, they’d be very interested in you.

One comment

  1. Read your NMB piece – twice – it was that good. Very literate and interesting. You can almost hear the past struggling to control the future.

    Please write more often!

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