Let them when they leave thy altars / Kindle others in thy name


This space has been quiet for four months, but, for once, I have a decent excuse, as I have doing my utmost to take advantage of the flatteringly good fortune of a fellowship at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard. The full, worldwide panorama of post-World War II music requires diligent pursuit! Nevertheless, I am giving it a shot. If you’re in Cambridge, feel free to drop by.

Still, it’s a good time to catch up on collating some other work. I am very happy once again to be mingling with the fine souls at NewMusicBox, this time with some ruminations on music’s ability (or lack thereof) to connect:

Courtesy of the implacable nature of the church calendar, there’s also two more choral introits to add to the ever-expanding list:

And the Globe column has been scaled back to a monthly affair, but continues to lurk around the edges of the newspaper industry:

Put it all in one place like that, and I seem really productive. Negligence has its advantages.

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