This mysterious beast that eats lighthouse keepers

Fang Rock editing comments

As noted on the Twitter a few weeks ago, I have a new book coming out this July: A study of the Doctor Who serial “Horror of Fang Rock” for The Black Archive series from Obverse Books. A venture outside the usual subject matter around here (though Peter Maxwell Davies does make a guest appearance) but anyone who knew me as a dorky kid knows that there was no chance of me passing up the opportunity. I’m currently working through the final edits, of which the above image provides a fairly representative example.

Recent columns have finally been posted here as well, with some more articles on the way, all of which have been completed with the help and hindrance of Soho the Dog’s new Roving Correspondent and Traffic Reporter Mabel:

Mabel 2-15
Look at that nose for crackpot hermeneutics! She’ll fit right in.

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